On 29th November in Belgrade, representatives from Circ-Boost Work Packages 3 and 4 leader Faculty of Civil Engineering Belgrade attended the Serbian Demolition Association’s 5th annual Conference named “Deconstruction and public interest”, where they discussed topics such as:
- new legislations and their application in practice
- issues faced when implementing new regulations
- education of all stakeholders within the demolition, decontamination, and recycling value chain
Dr Ana Nadaždi from Faculty of Civil Engineering Belgrade introduced the Circ-Boost project as part of her presentation on “Boosting the uptake of integrated circular solution in the construction sector”, which is the topic of Circ-Boost, to various stakeholders within the construction value chain – developers, consultants, designers, Associations, building inspectors, demolition equipment suppliers, and Academia.
Thank you to the FCE team for showcasing the Circ-Boost project and our goals to these audiences, and congratulations to dr Ana Nadaždi for winning the national prize for the best doctoral thesis!
Your work is crucial for shedding the light to the important challenges Circ-Boost will tackle.